June 13

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/kvlunh/wild_waves_wilder_ranch_state_park_santa_cruz/

Intellect is the quality that makes us different from animals.

Buddha said: “In meditation, in speech, in life, in studies, I never forget about the most important thing: the requirements of the intellect.”

The moral and the intellectual are always in harmony.

If a self-confident man talks to a wise man, he will not understand the truth, just as a spoon will not understand the truth when it gets into the mouth.


I cannot came any improvement in anyone except with the help of the goodness and kindness which already is inherent in this person.


People spoil their life who neglect their intellect and say that it cannot guide them.

Intellect is the same in all people, and communication is based on intellect; therefore every man must correspond to its requirements.