Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/ky51bz/rocky_mountain_national_park_oc_6000x4000/
Doubts do not destroy truth; they strengthen it.
Disbelief is not when a person believes or does not believe in something. It is when he prophesies those things in which he does not believe.
You will have moments in which you no longer believe in the existence of the spiritual dimension of life. Look at these moments as events in the development of your faith. A person who understands the spiritual nature of life may still at some point become afraid of death, usually for a short period of time, in the same way that you can see as you watch a scene at the theater and forget that you are watching a play, and become scared by what you are seeing as if it were real.
So it is in real life: in moments of self-delusion, a religious person forgets that what happens in his physical life cannot interfere with what happens in his spiritual life.
In these periods, when your spirits have fallen, you have to treat yourself as an ill man.
A wise man has doubts even in his best moments. Real truth is always accompanied by hesitations. If I could not hesitate, I could not believe.
He who hesitates is not distanced from God; it is he who believes unhesitatingly in someone else’s word that God exists or does not exist who is far from God.