July 27

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/kurpzf/early_fall_at_stmary_falls_in_glacier_national/

Knowledge is a tool, not a purpose.

People know little, because they try to understand those things which are not open to them for understanding: God, eternity, spirit; or those which are not worth thinking about: how water becomes frozen, or a new theory of numbers, or how viruses can transmit illnesses. How to live your life is the only real knowledge.

People who think that the most important thing in life is knowledge remind me of a butterfly who flies into the flame of a candle, and in so doing burns, and extinguishes the light.

The title “scholar” suggests that a person has gone to school, and that he studied, but it does not mean that he has acquired any truly important knowledge.


The purpose of life is the fulfillment of the law of God, not the acquisition of ever more knowledge.