March 24


Only the person who fulfills God’s law can understand God. The more closely he fulfills God’s law, the better he understands God.

There is not a single believer who from time to time has not had some hesitations about the existence of God. But these moments of hesitation are not harmful. On the contrary, they lead us to a better understanding of God.

Seeking God with your soul is a process that has limitless sides and aspects.

Moses said to God, “Where can I find you?” God said, “If you are looking for me, you have already found me.” They asked a wise man, “How do you know that God exists?” He replied, “Is it necessary to have a torch in order to see the sun?” We do not have enough words to explain what God is, but we know without words that He exists.


Jews consider it a sin to state the name of God aloud. They are right: God is spirit, and every name is material and not spiritual.