The foundation of all faiths is the same.
It only seems that people are busy with trade, with making agreements, negotiations and wars, science and the arts. There is in fact only one thing which people do; this is to search for the understanding of the moral law by which they live. And this understanding is not only the most important but the only real concern for all humankind.
A wise man was asked, “Is there a single word which you can follow throughout all your life?” And the wise man answered, “There is such a word. This is shu .” And the meaning of this word is, “If we do not want certain things to be done to us, we should not do such things to others.”
You should behave in such a way that you can say to everybody, “Behave as I do.”
The really true and unchanging law, that law which gives us true direction and which forbids us to do bad things, is the intellect of a higher, superior being.
When you clash with other people, remember the law of reciprocity. You should do to others those things which you want done to you. This should become your way of life.