The greatest changes in the world are made slowly and gradually, not with eruptions and revolutions.
The same things happen in one’s spiritual life.
All great thoughts are living thoughts, and they can grow and be changed. And they change and grow as a tree, and not as a cloud.
All really great things are happening in slow and inconspicuous ways.
The process of life should be the birth of a soul. This is the highest alchemy, and this justifies our presence on earth. This is our calling and our virtue.
Our life is unceasing wonder, growth, and development.
There is nothing more harmful for your inner perfection than the understanding that you are doing well. The way to happiness, the way to real moral improvement, moves so invisibly, so inconspicuously, that a person can see his successes only after great, lengthy periods of time.
If you think that you are moving toward perfection and you notice this, then you should know that you are mistaken, that you have stopped and are moving backward.